Mansfield Teacomposition |
LTER Zöbelboden, Austria, Intensive plots vegetation data 2004 - 2007 |
Hyytiälä Meteorologic data |
Hyytiälä vegetation |
Värriö Meteorological data |
The City of Lodz, Meteorological data, 2013 - 2017 |
Corpo forestale dello Stato |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1992 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1993 |
Measurement of ground water chemical ingredients, Quillow catchment, Germany |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1994 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1995 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1996 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1997 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1998 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1999 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 2000 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 2001 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 2002 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 2003 |