LTER Italia (Italy)
General Information

Description of Network
The Italian LTER network
Belongs to
Verified member sites
95 sites:
Comune Fontainemore, Riserva Naturale Mont Mars (MARS) (LTER_EU_IT_075) |
Delta del Po e Costa Romagnola (LTER_EU_IT_058) |
Eastern Ligurian Sea (LTER_EU_IT_107) |
Ficuzza SIC1 (LTER_EU_IT_036) |
Foce Saccione-Bonifica Ramitelli (Campobasso) (LTER_EU_IT_080) |
Foce Trigno-Marina di Petacciato (Campobasso) (LTER_EU_IT_081) |
Golfo dell'Asinara (LTER_EU_IT_062) |
Golfo di Olbia (LTER_EU_IT_063) |
Golfo di Trieste (LTER_EU_IT_056) |
Golfo di Venezia (LTER_EU_IT_057) |
Observed Properties
vegetation layer structure | Researched by 3 sites |
land use intensity | Researched by 3 sites |
total organic carbon | Researched by 3 sites |
landscape heterogeneity | Researched by 3 sites |
landscape structure | Researched by 3 sites |
population size | Researched by 3 sites |
suspended solids | Researched by 3 sites |
*This page is generated automatically using the available information in DEIMS-SDR describing the sites in this network/RI. Sites that are not documented on DEIMS-SDR are not featured on this page. We cannot therefore guarantee that this page will always reflect the actual list of sites for the network/RI.