sap flow measuring facility and dendrometer plot

General Information
Location Type
The transport of the plant sap (including water, nutrients and hormones) is called sap flow. This corresponds approximately with the transpiration of the observed tree. With the help of different other parameters such as the breast height diameter, the whole transpiration of the entire forest can be estimated. In summer 2018, 10 red beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) were instrumentated with dendrometers and sap flow sensors from the EMS company (Brno). These measurements enable the transpiration performance of the observed beech population in a high resolution.
In addtion to the increase of the tree circumference in context to the tree growth the effects of temperature (e.g. frost) and other metereological parameters can be recorded with the installed measuring facility. However, the results should primarly answer the question of wheter there is a significant influence of the sap intensity in comparison to the change in tree circumference.

sap flow measurement facility; thermic shield (2021)
sap flow measurement facility; thermic shield (2021)
sap flow and dendrometer plot (2021)
sap flow and dendrometer plot (2021)
sap flow measurement module; needles (2021)
sap flow measurement module; needles (2021)
dendrometer on an observed tree (2021)
dendrometer on an observed tree (2021)
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