Soil moisture field

General Information
Location Type
The soil moisture field has 64 sampling points. These points are measured with a portable soil moisture sensor regularly every 6 weeks. The depth of the soil where the sensors are located is 20cm. Additionally, there are 6 evaluation points where soil moisture is measured in depth, ranging from 20cm to 40cm. Thus, the soil moisture field has been periodically measured since 2004, and the results are transmitted to an internal database.

soil moisture sampling point (2023)
soil moisture sampling point (2023)
soil moisture (2023)
soil moisture (2023)
replacement of a damaged soil moisture sensor in a depth of 20cm (2023)
replacement of a damaged soil moisture sensor in a depth of 20cm (2023)
soil moisture plot without covering canopy trees (2023)
soil moisture plot without covering canopy trees (2023)
soil moisture sonde on point 38 (2023)
soil moisture sonde on point 38 (2023)
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Size (calculated automatically)
Elevation (min)
Elevation (max)