Braila Islands - Romania

Basic Information
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Site Name
Braila Islands
Short name
Braila Islands
Site Manager
Site Description
"Braila Islands" site with a total surface of over 2600 km2 is situated in the South-East of Romania corresponding to a 78 km long Danube sector that stretches between Harsova (kilometer 253) and Braila (kilometer 175) cities. This socio-ecological system is inhabited by near 300,000 people and comprises heavily modified ecosystems (e.g. Big Island of Braila, former wetland transformed into agricultural land) but also systems under a natural functional regime (e.g. Small Islands of Braila), being of a crucial natural and socio-economical value. The Danube river along the Braila Islands section has been ranked as a heavily modified water body according to criteria 2.1 (embankment works) due to the hydro-technical works on more than 79% of the river stretch sector and a candidate to “heavily modified” according with the WFD criteria 2.2 (regulation works) as a result of dredging of 21% of the river bed for intensive navigation. The main remnant of the natural floodplains consists in the wetlands from the Small Island of Braila Natural Park with a total surface of 210 km2 and the floodplains between the riverbanks and dikes of almost 93 km2.
Last modified
2024-05-07 09:05:36


General Characteristics and Status
Site Status
Year Established
Observed properties
Precipitation Sum:    433 mm
Temperature Mean: 12.14 °C
Standard Reference Period: 1991 - 2020
Affiliation and Network Specific Information
ILTERThis site is a verified "ILTER" member.
LTER Romania (LTER_EU_RO_006)This site is a verified "LTER Romania" member.
LTER EuropeThis site is a verified "LTER Europe" member.
Wetland area in spring
Wetland area in spring
Phalacrocorax pygmeus
Phalacrocorax pygmeus
Phalacrocorax carbo
Phalacrocorax carbo
Field lodge Stancuta
Field lodge Stancuta
field research station Stancuta
field research station Stancuta
Centroid/Representative Coordinates

Latitude: 44.9624 Longitude: 28.0023

ca. 259593.57ha
Elevation (average)
Elevation (min)
Elevation (max)

Site information [.json]

Centroid/representative coordinates [.shp] [.kml]
Bounding Box [.shp] [.kml]
Boundaries [.shp] [.kml]